Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We spent another day out in a leper colony working on the anthropology project. Anthropology is the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind, the science of humans and their works. Rising Star Outreach has made it a point to focus on this anthropology project, recording the life stories of these leprosy afflicted people before it is too late. It makes them feel like someone cares about the life they lived, in-spite of their classification as "untouchables." We walked around with a translator, Raja, who was a student at Rising Star a few years back. He just got called to serve a mission for the LDS church in Provo, Utah! He will be coming to the MTC on August 22nd. Here are a few pictures of the people in the colony.

This is one family we spoke to. The woman with the baby is Davi, she is 19 years old. Her baby BOYS name is Lokish. Though we all thought he was a girl until we saw the body parts, he is a beautiful baby. The children wear these rope/necklace looking things around their wastes and I found out yesterday that they do it because they think it fights off evil spirits. It is a cultural thing, not associated with a particular religion. Interesting.

Another family in the colony.

This mans name is MONNY. His wife leads him around the colony because he is blind. It was the sweetest thing to follow them up to their house and interview them. Such wonderful people.

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