Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a good day.

We spent lots of time today out in a colony building a bathroom. I felt like a caveman with ancient tools and old fashion building styles but it was a good experience. We got to work with some of the local men. Though it was hard to communicate, they were such hard workers and it was interesting to see what they do every day for maybe $3.00 a week. Pretty crazy. Tonight we got to teach a little "FHE" sort of thing on LOVE. We are split into "families" that we spend time with each night. There are house mothers that are assigned about 20 of the children from the orphanage to look after. Each of us are assigned to a house mother as well. I got to teach the lesson and it was a wonderful experience, especially hearing them sing I am a Child of God. It was probably the highlight of my summer. I also got to read to them tonight. These are smart kids! They love to sit on our laps and read books with us. You would be amazed at how good their english is. Anyway, here are a few pictures of my day. I'm not going to lie, I am hating the heat but loving the children. I am just trying to soak it all in.

SHOVELING some dirt/garbage/who knows what....
Faith. Camille. Abby. Abbey. Chelsea. Rochelle.

laying BRICKS and carrying DIRT

We have NO idea what this is but it was ALL OVER this colony and we thought this wall was cool....

our lovely FEET.
PS: You may think we look dumb in flip flops, BUT, the natives work bare foot or in flip flopish shoes so we decided to be culturally appropriate and fit in. Also, in case you are wondering, other than the ants crawling all over my feet, I did not regret the decision.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing those people is heartbreaking. You guys are doing a great thing - they will never forget you. Keep having fun - and remember the sacrifices are SO worth it.
